Prof. IC Uzochukwu Link:
1. Gayawan E, Awe OO, Oseni BM, Uzochukwu IC, Adekunle A, Samuel G, Eisen DP, Adegboye OA. 2020. The spatio-temporal epidemic dynamics of COVID-19 outbreak in Africa. Epidemiol Infect. 2;148:e212. doi: 10.1017/S0950268820001983. PMID: 32873352; PMCID: PMC7506177.
2. Uzochukwu IC, Eleje GU, Nwankwo CH, Chukwuma GO, Uzuke CA, Uzochukwu CE, Mathias BA, Okunna CS, Asomugha LA, Esimone CO. 2021. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among staff and students in a Nigerian tertiary educational institution. Therapeutic Advances in Infectious Disease. 2021 Jan-Dec;8:20499361211054923. DOI: 10.1177/20499361211054923. PMID: 34745608; PMCID: PMC8564127.
3. Stefanik M, Valdes JJ, Ezebuo FC, Haviernik J, Uzochukwu IC, Fojtikova M, Salat J, Eyer L, Ruzek D. 2020. FDA-Approved Drugs Efavirenz, Tipranavir, and Dasabuvir Inhibit Replication of Multiple Flaviviruses in Vero Cells. Microorganisms. 8(4):599.
Prof. FBC Okoye Link:
1. Eze PM, Liu Y, Simons VE, Ebada SS, Kurtán T, Király SB, Esimone CO, Okoye FBC, Proksch P, Kalscheuer R. 2023. Two new metabolites from a marine-derived fungus Penicillium ochronchloron. Phytochem. Letters, 55:101-104.
2. Ajaegbu EE, Eboka CJ, Okoye FBC, Proksch P. 2023. Cytotoxic effect and antioxidant activity of pterocarpans from Millettia aboensis root. Natural Product Research, 37(5):829-834.
3. Ofokansi MN, Isiogugu ON, Peter IE, Agbo MM, Okoye FBC, Akah PA. 2023. Glycosides isolated from leaf extract of Phyllanthus muellerianus (Kuntze) Excell (Phyllanthaceae) Upregulated Cell-mediated innate immunity.
Prof. Felix Ahamefule Chibuzo Onyegbule Link:
1. CO Ogbue, FA Onyegbule, CO Ezugwu, IHM Nchekwube, AA Ajaghaku. Immunostimulatory and Immunorestorative Effects of Leaf Extract and Fractions of Musanga cecropioides on Immunocompetent and Experimentally Induced Immunocompromised Mice. Clinical Complementary Medicine and Pharmacology, 2022; 100075.
2. Ebere C Ifejirika, Eze E Ajaegbu, Chioma I Ibe, Felix A Onyegbule, Obidike C Ezugwu, Antioxidant and antimicrobial evaluation of the methanol leaf extract and fractions of Dacryodes klaineana pierre (burseraceae), Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia, 2022; 36 (1): 85-94
3. Onyegbule FA, Nwankwo OL, Okoye FBC. Standardization and Antimalarial Evaluation of Crude Methanol and Endophytic Fungi extracts of Azadirachta indica Leaves, Natural Products Chemistry & Research, 2021; 9 (08) 412.
Prof. Kenneth G. Ngwoke Link:
1. Kenneth Ngwoke, Nwalusiuka Tochukwu, Chinechem Ekwealor, Valerie Nwankwo, Uju Obi-Okafor, Chisom Izundu, Festus B. C. Okoye, Charles Esimone, Peter Proksch & Chen Situ (2019) Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and peroxidase-mediated cyclooxygenase-1 inhibitory properties of Fusarium solani extract, Pharmaceutical Biology, 57:1, 310-317, DOI: 10.1080/13880209.2019.1606260
2. Kenneth G. Ngwoke, Dina H. El-Kashef, Georgios Daletos, Elena Ancheeva, Zhen Liu, Festus B. C. Okoye, Charles O. Esimone & Peter Proksch (2021) R-Hexitronic acid, a new tetronic acid derivative isolated from a soil fungus FG9RK, Natural Product Research, 35:21, 3578-3583, DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2020.1715400
3. Kenneth G. Ngwoke, Njideka Orame, Shuai Liu, Festus B. C. Okoye, Georgios Daletos & Peter Proksch (2017) A new benzophenone glycoside from the leaves of Mitracarpus villosus, Natural Product Research, 31:20, 2354-2360, DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2017.1306701
Dr. Chika Abba
1. Adione NM, Onyeka IP, Abba CC, Okoye NN, Eze PM, Umeokoli BO, Anyanwu OO, Okoye FBC. Antimicrobial Activities of the Endophytic Fungus, Fusarium equiseti, Isolated from the leaves of Ocimum gratissimum. Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022; 24(7): 11-23.
2. Obidiegwu OC, Abba CC, Ajah KU, Ujam NT, Okoye FBC. Biologically active secondary metabolites of an endophytic fungus of Psidium guajava. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, 18(01), 111–117.
3. Obidiegwu OC, Ajah KU, Enendu NC, Ezeoke SK, Abba CC. In vitro determination of the anti-helminthic properties of Anthocleista djalonensis. GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 11(03), 066–071.
Dr. Fortunatus C. Ezebuo
1. Ezeh, M.I., Okonkwo, O.E., Okpoli, I.N., Orji, C.E., Modozie, B.U., Onyema, A.C., and Ezebuo, F.C (2022) Chemoinformatic Design and Profiling of Derivatives of Dasabuvir, Efavirenz, and Tipranavir as Potential Inhibitors of Zika Virus RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase and Methyltransferase, ACS Omega 2022, 7, 37, 33330–33348
2. Ezebuo, F.C., and Uzochukwu, I.C (2022) Drug Repurposing for Schistosomiasis: Molecular Docking and Dynamics Investigations. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 14:1-15.
3. Stefanik, M., Valdes, J.J., Ezebuo, F.C., Haviernik, J., Uzochukwu, I.C., Fojtikova, M., Salat, J., Ludek Eyer, L and Ruzek, D (2020) FDA-approved drugs efavirenz, tipranavir, and dasabuvir inhibit replication of multiple flaviviruses in Vero cells. Microorganisms 2020, 8(4), 599;
Pharm. Innocent N Okpoli
1. Madeleine I. Ezeh, Onyinyechi E. Okonkwo, Innocent N. Okpoli, Chima E. Orji, Benjamin U. Modozie, Augustine C. Onyema, and Fortunatus C. Ezebuo. 2022. Chemoinformatic Design and Profiling of Derivatives of Dasabuvir, Efavirenz, and Tipranavir as Potential Inhibitors of Zika Virus RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase and Methyltransferase. ACS Omega 2022 7 (37), 33330-33348. DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.2c03945