Introduction to the Pharmacy Profession (1 Unit) |
PCL 209 |
- Various disciplines of the pharmacy profession
- Careers and opportunities in pharmacy
- History of pharmacy; evolution of the profession of pharmacy; development of pharmacy education in Nigeria
- Evolution of the PharmD globally and nationally.
- Pharmacy and health care (primary, secondary, and tertiary) delivery
- The role of the pharmacist in the various pharmacy disciplines (“The seven-star pharmacist”)
- Drugs and society
- First aid and hygiene
- Product-oriented versus patient-oriented pharmacy practice
- Concept of dosage forms and drug prescriptions.
Pharmacy Administration: Entrepreneurial and Leadership Skills (2 Units) |
PCL 371 |
- Clinical pharmacy administration
- Definition, pharmacy business.
- Definitions of management and administration.
- Management process and principles.
- Importance of management in pharmacy business (customers/patients/public relationship, retail competition, selling and promotion in hospital and community pharmacies).
- Industrial pharmaceutical organizations (medical and sales representative).
- Marketing (concept, functions, marketing mix and communication, product growth, salesmanship).
- Advertising and sales promotion. Personnel management (leadership, recruitment, remuneration, negotiation, staff training, evaluation, motivation, and management).
- Entrepreneurial Development – Generating and developing business ideas.
- Conducting market surveys. Preparing a business plan. Selecting a business location, including roads, water and electricity supplies, and appropriate technology for the business.
- Forms of business, Staffing, Marketing and the new venture;
- Determining capital requirements, Raising capital; Financial planning and management;
- Starting a new business, Feasibility studies; Innovation; Legal Issues; Insurance and environmental considerations.
- Possible business opportunities in Nigeria.
- Starting and managing a Pharmacy Enterprise: Pharmacy financing and administration (sources and limitations of funds, choosing between new pharmacy and buying existing one, purchasing part-time interest in existing pharmacy) and healthcare financing (government and donor finance, revolving funds, etc.).
- Finance and Record Keeping: Financing business venture. Costing and pricing products/services. Financial analysis and control (record-keeping systems, financial statements and their analysis, budgeting, and cash flow).
- Research and Development: Consultancy and research services.
- Product design, development, and presentation. Launching of new products/services.
- Leadership concepts comprising of listening, conversation, emotional intelligence, breakthrough initiatives, gender, and leadership, coaching and leadership, enrollment conversation and forming and leading teams will be taught.
Drug Information, Literature Evaluation, and Patient Communication Skills (1 Units) |
PCL 361 |
- A study of the methods and resources available (with examples) for the rapid and efficient handling of factual drug information and its effective utilization in the promotion of safe, effective, and rational drug therapy.
- Resources needed for the establishment of a drug information center and the provision of drug information service;
- Development of the hospital formulary system and essential drugs list and publication of drug information bulletin;
- Health informatics; electronic medical records;
- Internet and pharmacy practice: evaluation of information from the Internet (e.g., using PROMPT), Internet prescription.
- Communication Skills: appearance as a mode of communication; dress code for professionals; the various styles of listening and response; application of the various styles of listening and response to patient interview and education (pharmacist-patient relationship); factors affecting patient compliance with drug regimen;
- Pharmacist’s relationship with other health care professionals (interprofessional collaboration)
- Principles of evidence-based medicine.
Introduction to Clinical Pharmacy and Direct Patient Care I (2 Units) |
PCL 363 |
- Principles of clinical pharmacy practice.
- Clinical pharmacy in the tropics.
- Inter-professional relationships.
- Use of medical terms and abbreviations.
- Laboratory values and interpretations as related to disease states.
- Direct Patient Care
- Patient medication profile
- Patient/Family/Caregiver Counseling
Patient/Family/Caregiver Communication
Pharmacokinetics (2 Units) |
PCL 362 |
- Definition of terminology and symbols used in pharmacokinetics.
- Fate of a drug after administration.
- Physical significance of drug concentration in the blood;
- Biological factors in drug absorption.
- Physicochemical factors affecting drug absorption;
- Dosage form consideration in gastrointestinal absorption;
- Drug –drug and drug-food interactions.
- Compartment models: Single and Multiple compartment models.
- Drug clearance.
- Hepatic elimination of drugs.
- Intravenous infusions.
- Multiple dosage regimens.
- Prolonged action dosage form administration.
- Non-linear pharmacokinetics.
- Relationship between pharmacokinetics parameters and pharmacologic response.
- Calculation of various pharmacokinetic parameters.
Pathology for Pharmacy Students (2 Units) |
PCL 413 |
- The normal cell. The adopted cell. Cell injury and cell death. Inflammation and repair.
- Neoplasia and its clinical aspects.
- Diseases of immunity.
- Systemic diseases: Diabetes mellitus, Iron storage disorders, Gout, and urate deposits in the kidneys. Fluid and haemodynamic derangements.
- Infectious diseases.
- Deficiency diseases: protein-calorie malnutrition, vitamins, and minerals deficiency.
- Blood vessels and the heart. Lymph nodes and spleen.
- All systems, skin, liver, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, breast, and biliary tract.
Integrated Pharmacotherapy of Neurologic and Psychiatric Disorders (3 Units) |
PCL 462 |
- Review of the anatomy and physiology of the autonomic and somatic nervous systems. General principles of neurohumoral transmission.
- Cholinergic transmission. Synthesis, storage, and release of acetylcholine. Muscarinic and nicotinic actions of acetylcholine. Muscarinic receptor agonists and antagonists. Cholinesterases and anticholinesterases. Drugs used in myasthenia gravis. Drugs affecting autonomic ganglia. Neuromuscular blocking agents.
- Adrenergic transmission; Synthesis, storage, release, and inactivation of noradrenaline. Neuronal and extraneuronal uptake Sympathomimetic amines. Adrenergic neuron blocking drugs. Drugs affecting the storage, release, and disposition of neurotransmitters. Adrenoceptor blocking agents (alpha and beta-blockers).
- Methods of studying neurotransmitters.
- Nitric oxide (NO) and non-adrenergic non-cholinergic (NANC) transmission.
- Ocular Pharmacology: Miotics and mydriatics. Drugs used in glaucoma. Ophthalmological diagnostic agents
- Pharmacology and pathophysiology of common psychiatric disorders: generalized anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc.
- Pharmacotherapy for the management of psychiatric disorders: generalized anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), etc.
- Pharmacology and pathophysiology of common neurologic disorders: Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s Diseases, Dementia, multiple sclerosis, headaches/migraines, epilepsy and seizures, restless leg syndrome, Fibromyalgia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (AML), etc.
Public Health Pharmacy and Pharmacoepidemiology (2 Units) |
PCL 464 |
- This course will cover an overview of epidemiological methods (types of epidemiological studies, sampling techniques, sample size and power).
- Epidemiology of communicable and non-communicable diseases.
- It will also cover literature search, data gathering modalities, questionnaire design, approaches to data analysis, operational research and experimental design and report writing.
- Other areas include Principles and concept of Primary Health Care (PHC) including immunization.
- Drug use and management in PHC (commonly used drugs, drug selection and distribution/essential drug list concept and drug information/education in primary health care, and Traditional Medicines in PHC with emphasis on health technology and available resources, community participation.
- Health promotion (health education, diseases prevention).
Pharmacy Ethics and Jurisprudence (2 Units) |
PCL 472 |
- Ethics of pharmacy profession in Nigeria;
- Joint FIP/WHO Guidelines on Good Pharmacy Practice
- Laws related to the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Nigerian Natural Medicines Development Agency (NNMDA), Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON), Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN), WHO/FAO Codex Allimentarium Commission, United Nations Narcotic Commission, Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA), etc.
- Food, Drug and Cosmetics laws including regulation, inspection, registration, advertising, manufacture, sale/distribution;
- Poison, Dangerous Drugs and Pharmacy Acts in Nigeria and others (FDA, EMA)
- Essential Drugs List (EDL), Fake and Counterfeit Drug laws; Consumer Protection Council law;
- All other relevant laws related to the practice of pharmacy including those of the pharmacists Disciplinary Committee and Assessors rules, pharmacists registration rule, Dispensing of Drugs, Patent and Proprietary Medicines, etc. Legislation and animal health products,
- National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) and other health policies, and National Drug Policy.
- National Health Bill. Prescribing and dispensing rights of health professionals.
Pharmacoeconomics (1 Unit) |
PCL 561 |
- Definitions, overview of basic economics.
- Structure and politics of Nigerian health system.
- Healthcare costs.
- Pharmacoeconomic techniques i.e., cost minimization, cost effectiveness, cost utility, cost benefits.
- Pharmacoeconomic methods – objectives, study design, comparison of alternatives and cost assessment.
- Pharmaceutical outcomes.
- Health maintenance organizations (HMOs).
- Role of National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) in healthcare financing.
Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE)
/Clinical Pharmacy Clerkship III (4 Units) |
PCL 563 |
This practical course is designed to provide the opportunity for the students to have direct patient contact and associated pharmacy experiences which will help them assimilate and apply their previously acquired pharmaceutical knowledge in a patient care environment.
The students will be introduced to the hospital environment with proper orientation. They will be acquainted with the operations of the different departments/units and the interrelationships and collaborations between them vis-à-vis carrying out patient care and oriented services. At the end of this course, the students are expected to have learnt the following through practical demonstrations and didactic lectures from their preceptors and lecturers.
- Understand the intricacies of compounding and other pharmacy activities in the hospital.
- Understand the layout and design of the patient chart used at the hospital.
- Understand the medical process – subjective and objective findings, history of patient, impression/diagnosis, plan etc.
- Practice communication skills which involve (not limited to):
- obtaining medication history (which is not normally documented in case folders)
- medication counseling
- Develop drug therapy assessment skill by rationalizing treatment plan and comparing current treatment with standard treatment guideline. Identify drug related problems (if any exists). Drug related problems that should be mentioned include suboptimal therapy, potential or actual drug interactions, poor adherence, adverse drug reaction, availability of a cost-effective substitute etc.
Pharmacotherapy of Rheumatologic Diseases: polyarthritis rheumatic, gout, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis (2 Units) |
PCL 562 |
This should include the pathological basis and pharmacotherapy of the above listed diseases and patient care practices.
Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE)/Clinical Pharmacy Clerkship IV (4 Units) |
PCL 564 |
This practical course is designed to provide the opportunity for the students to have direct patient contact and associated pharmacy experiences. While applying what was learnt in clerkship I, the students will progressively develop clinical pharmacy communication skills emphasizing empathy, education, and ethics through interactions with variety of patients on specific-drug related problems and medical diseases. Improve professional communication and interpersonal relationship with other health care providers through ongoing interactions related to patient care issues and develop students to become pharmacists with good problem-solving skills and professional judgment. Clerkship in hospitals should be conducted in such a way that the students are trained to achieve the following outcomes:
- Patients receive the maximum benefits from drug therapy.
- Effective drug management of sub-acute care of patients in hospitals including trauma, post-surgical, asthma exacerbation, oncology, and end-of-life care.
- Appropriate selection of drugs and monitoring of drug therapy.
- Cost-containment initiatives in patient care. Pharmaceutical care provision in multiple-practice environments.
- Educational services on drug-related issues to other health care practitioners, pharmacy students and residents, patients, and the community.
- Drug information services to clinicians, patients, and the community.
- Play key roles in the development of disease specific drug-treatment guidelines.
Areas where students will be posted to will include hospital and community pharmacy practice. Activities will cover history taking, medication records review, patient education and counseling, drug therapy monitoring, interventions and counter prescribing, health promotion, disease prevention and responding to symptoms. The students will be rotated through different sites including teaching and specialist hospitals, community pharmacies, add primary health care centers. In consultation with hospital authorities, students will participate in each rotation under the instruction of a preceptor (registered pharmacist resident in the site) who will be assisted by Faculty clinical instructor. In hospitals, students will also participate in consultants ward rounds and be involved in drug decision-making process in the care of in-patients, in consultation with the medical consultants. Each student will make an oral case presentation and submit a written report at the end of each rotation.
Drug Information, Literature Evaluation and Communication Skills II (2 Units) |
PCL 661 |
- Communicating and disseminating drug safety information
- Drug Information Services (Introduction, Aim and Objectives, Scope, Activities, Design of a Drug Information Centre (DIC), Scope of service, Types of information, Literature sources, Referencing and Resources needed in a DIC)
- Monographs (elements of a monograph, writing policy for monograph and steps in developing a monograph)
- Newsletters; tips for writing effective newsletters
- Literature Search (Planning a literature search, identifying and locating information, Information Retrieval Process, Searching Technologies)
- Literature Evaluation (Source of literature, research questions, validity of methodology, validity and importance of results, discussion and conclusion, ethics)
- Indexing and Abstracting Services ( International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), International Standard Book Number (ISBN), Steps to indexing and abstracting publications with relevant bodies, useful indexing and abstracting bodies)
- Review of communication skills (listening and conflict resolutions, advanced communication skills and communication process)
Clinical Pharmacy Clerkship III (6 units) |
PCL 665 |
- Same as in Clinical Clerkship II except those areas where students will be posted will include general practice medicine, endocrinology, oncology, and surgery units as well as first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
- Also, students would obtain some experiential exposure and training in herbal and complementary medicines.
- Areas where students will be posted will include psychiatry, eye clinic, theatre, and pediatric units.
- Each student will make an oral case presentation and submit a written report at the end of each rotation.
Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Clinical Safety Evaluation (2 Units) |
PCL 662 |
- This course will highlight the utilization and application of pharmacokinetic principles in developing a pharmaceutical care plan for a given patient.
- Use of mathematical principles to predict drug disposition in individual patients (such as patients with renal and liver dysfunctions) will be emphasized.
- After completing the course, the student will be able to clinically dose and monitor drug therapy for those drugs with narrow therapeutic indices (examples will be discussed), utilizing their knowledge regarding the influence of age, disease, genetics, and drug interactions on drug disposition.
Clinical Clerkship IV (6 Units) |
PCL 668 |
- Same as in Clinical Clerkship III except those areas where students will be posted will include general practice medicine, obstetrics and gynaecology, and surgery as well as first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.