The concept of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology as applied in the specialty of Pharmacy encompasses a broad spectrum of inter-related subject areas. It is generally regarded as the core discipline in Pharmacy, covering the well-defined and articulated stages to which a drug is subjected in the process of its development into dosage forms, and delivery to consumers. The process of drug development may commence from its extraction from a natural source or its synthesis in the laboratory, its isolation and purification, and progresses to the testing for beneficial pharmacodynamic effects as well as the presence or absence of any form of serious toxicological properties.
Core Objectives
The objective of the programme is primarily to help students understand the specific subject areas within the discipline. These include Physical Pharmaceutics (the formulation, standardization, and design of dosage forms), Compounding (the preparation of medicines), Dispensing (the supply of medicines to patients), Pharmacy Practice (the distribution, and sale of safe and efficient drugs, control of drug products and counseling of patients and prescribers on the rational use of drugs), and Pharmaceutical Technology (Large scale production of medicinal products and all therein). The outlined subjects are designed to increase literary ability, intellectual and professional competencies needed for satisfactory job positions in industries, hospitals, research institutions and the academia.